Sunday 24 September 2017

Blog Posting

Over the past three weeks, I have struggled with blog posting for both K classes. When Kindergarten was a half day program, I was able to blog simultaneously for both classes. However, I am finding it difficult to do this with a full day program. One of the main reasons I like to blog, is to help keep families informed of the learning and adventures happening in class, so you are able to talk about it later at home. However, with the staggered schedule, I am noticing it may be a few days until both classes have completed similar activities enabling me to blog. I have decided to split the blog this year to combat this problem.

In the title section on each post, I will label it as either KA or KB so you will know if the post is about your child's class. You will notice posts that are identical during the week, but with different pictures and posted at different times. I will continue to send a 'remind' text with blog links when updates are posted. I hope this will enable me to pass on information in a more timely manner.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email!



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