Thursday 23 March 2017

Letter Hunt

This week we have added a special activity to our Welcome Time! The Kinders become detectives as they figure out which lower case letter I am writing on the whiteboard, one stroke at a time. Once they figure it out, they hunt around the room for a word that has that letter in it. After they find their word, they write it down on their white board and then return to the carpet to share with the rest of the class. Check out the detectives as they hunt around the room for the secret letter “d” today:



This activity is great for many different reasons! The Kinders are acquiring a deeper understanding of words and letters by identifying a letter, focusing on the sound it makes, finding a word that has that letter in it, sharing it with others all while practicing their reading and writing strategies! This would be a great activity to do at home together. Challenge your Kinder to find a word with a select letter in it around your house or in a book. This could also be done at bedtime while reading a bedtime story if you give your child a pencil and piece of paper. You could also challenge them by setting a timer and asking them to find and write as many words they can within that time frame. As we progress further, I will be challenging the Kinders to find chunks as well! I have been sticking to lower case letters rather than upper case, as they can sometimes be trickier to identify. 

- Ms. K

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